Old Tamil Poetry

Translations of Tamil Poetic works that span 2000 years

Naaladiyaar – 127

Who has the ability to know
what’s there in another’s heart?
Ruler of hills where gems glitter! listen :-
people’s thoughts and actions differ.

யாஅர், ஒருவர் ஒருவர்தம் உள்ளத்தைத்
தேரும் துணைமை உடையவர்?-சாரல்
கன மணி நின்று இமைக்கும் நாட! கேள்:-மக்கள்
மனம் வேறு; செய்கையும் வேறு.

This poem in Naaladiyaar talks about how difficult it is to judge people. The poet says people think something, but do something else. Be wary of judging them too soon based on their good deeds. Take your time to understand them. It is like gems glittering in your hills. They look appealing, but the way to reach them is treacherous.

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2 thoughts on “Naaladiyaar – 127

  1. prafullachandra on said:

    thunaimai – ability

    udaiyavar similar to kondavar?


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