Old Tamil Poetry

Translations of Tamil Poetic works that span 2000 years

Thirukkural – 1258

Aren’t appeasing words of that crafty crook
the force that breaks our feminine reserve?

பன்மாயக் கள்வன் பணிமொழி அன்றோநம்
பெண்மை உடைக்கும் படை.

She decides to be strong when he comes back from long absence. But hearing his gentle words, her reserve breaks down. She wonders aren’t his words the force that breaks my feminine reserve. She calls him a “பன்மாயக் கள்வன்” – literally “many tricked crook”. I have settled on crafty crook which is a poor imitation of the original.

One never stops being astonished at the longevity and continuity of Tamil. All the words in the above Kural are still in use 2000 years later.

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2 thoughts on “Thirukkural – 1258

  1. பன்மாயக்கள்வன்

    //settled on //

    Noble attemptங்க. அதுக்க மேல என்ன பண்ணிட முடியும்!


  2. > One never stops being astonished at the longevity and continuity of Tamil. All the > words in the above Kural are still in use 2000 years later.

    Agreed. Good translation also. Dont run yourself down – you’re doing a great job.


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