Old Tamil Poetry

Translations of Tamil Poetic works that span 2000 years

Archive for the month “August, 2021”

Thirukkural 1211

The dream that brought my lover’s message,
What feast can I offer it?

காதலர் தூதொடு வந்த கனவினுக்
கியாதுசெய் வேன்கொல் விருந்து.

He has gone away for a long time and she is pining for him. In her sleep she dreams that he has sent a message to her about his arrival. So she tells her friend, “The dream brought me a message from my lover and revived my spirits. What feast shall I prepare to offer my thanks to it?”

தூது – message
யாது – what
விருந்து – feast

Thirukkural 1206

Thinking of days when I was one with him, do I live;
How else can I still be alive?

மற்றியா னென்னுளேன் மன்னோ அவரொடியா
னுற்றநா ளுள்ள வுளேன்.

மற்று யான் என் உளேன் மன்னோ! அவரொடு யான்
உற்ற நாள் உள்ள, உளேன்.

He has been away a long time.She pines for him and becomes pale. Her friend asks her to forget him as it is not good for her health . She replies, “The only reason I’m alive is by remembering those days of bliss when we were embracing each other. What else keeps me alive?”

Thirukkural 922

Don’t drink Toddy! If one drinks, let him drink
Who doesn’t bother about what wise men think.

உண்ணற்க, கள்ளை! உணில், உண்க, சான்றோரான்
எண்ணப்பட வேண்டாதார்!

Thiruvalluvar admonishes those who drink. He says only if one isn’t bothered about losing esteem in wise men’s eye, shall he drink.

Thirukkural 385

One who creates avenues of growth, earns wealth, safeguards it,
And shares it as required, is an able ruler.

இயற்றலும் ஈட்டலும் காத்தலும் காத்த
வகுத்தலும் வல்லது அரசு

Thiruvalluvar defines what are the hallmarks of a good ruler. One who creates (avenue of growth), earns (wealth through that), safeguards (the earned wealth) and shares (for the development of hos country) is an able ruler. As with most Kurals, I had to be elaborate in translation, compared to the brevity of the original.

Thirukkural 1328

Should I feign a tiff to find again – the sweat on her brow
that appeared when we made love!

ஊடிப் பெறுகுவம்கொல்லோ-நுதல் வெயர்ப்பக்
கூடலின் தோன்றிய உப்பு!

Her brow sweats due to their lovemaking. He thinks “Should I have a mock fight with her so her brow sweats again”, that is extend their time together.

ஊடுதல் – tiff / mock fight நுதல் – forehead கூடல் – copulation உப்பு – salty(sweat)

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