Old Tamil Poetry

Translations of Tamil Poetic works that span 2000 years

Archive for the month “February, 2024”

Kurunthokai 166

As cool waves of the sea displace fish in backwaters
Flocks of stork too move where the fish moved;
Such a pleasant town is Marandhai;
But when one is alone, it causes much anguish.

தண் கடற் படு திரை பெயர்த்தலின், வெண் பறை
நாரை நிரை பெயர்ந்து அயிரை ஆரும்,
ஊரோ நன்றுமன், மரந்தை;
ஒரு தனி வைகின், புலம்பு ஆகின்றே.

She is pining for him as her parents keep her home bound and she is unable to meet him in the seashore as planned. Her friend consoles her saying “This town of Marandhai is a pleasant seaside town. When the sea waves push back the fish in back waters, storks that roam the seashore too move to where the fish has gone. Similarly he too will find a way to come and meet you even though you are unable to go to the seashore. This pleasant town causes much anguish when one is alone and separated from their love. He won’t let you suffer but will come and meet you”

தண் – cool
திரை – waves
பெயர்த்தலின் -(as it) moves away / displaces
நாரை – stork
அயிரை – loach fish
வைகின் – (if) passes
புலம்பு – sorrow

Kurunthokai 63

You think of going out and making money
As pleasure and generosity aren’t for those who lack wealth;
But will that dusky girl too come along with me
Or are you pushing me alone, tell me, my heart!

‘ஈதலும் துய்த்தலும் இல்லோர்க்கு இல்’ எனச்
செய் வினை கைம்மிக எண்ணுதி; அவ் வினைக்கு
அம் மா அரிவையும் வருமோ?
எம்மை உய்த்தியோ? உரைத்திசின்- நெஞ்சே!

He has to leave her and go away to earn money. But he is torn between love and duty. So he chides his heart saying ” You say it is the duty of a man to earn money because only then he can be generous to others and also enjoy the pleasures of this life. I agree. But leaving her alone and going away hurts me. If she too comes along with me, it will be good. But you are pushing me to go alone, my heart”

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