Old Tamil Poetry

Translations of Tamil Poetic works that span 2000 years

Naaladiyaar – 319

Ruler of lofty hill that attracts prime cattle!-
Words of those who have not elaborately analyzed
summary, spread, subtlety and sense of a tome –
can they be good commentary?

பொழிப்பு, அகலம், நுட்பம், நூல் எச்சம், இந் நான்கின்
கொழித்து, அகலம் காட்டாதார் சொற்கள்,-பழிப்பு இல்
நிரை ஆமா சேக்கும் நெடுங் குன்ற நாட!-
உரை ஆமோ, நூலிற்கு நன்கு?

This poem explains how a good commentary for a book should be. One should analyze the book by its summary (பொழிப்புரை), the breadth of topic it covers (அகலம்), its subtleties (நுட்பம்) and what one learns (நூல் எச்சம்) from the book. Then he should write elaborately based on his analysis. That is how a good commentary should be written.

Ruler of lofty hill that attracts prime cattle is a metaphor for poets crowding a wealthy ruler. When a ruler is wealthy, lot of poets will surround him and offer their works. He should consider those based on the above rules and decide which is worthy.

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  1. Chandrasekaran shanmugavael on said:



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